活動時間 /
2017/10/28(周六) 22:00(+0800) ~ 2017/10/29(周日) 04:30(+0800)
活動地點 /
河岸留言西門紅樓展演館 (台北市西寧南路177號)
活動票券 /
協辦單位 /
Addicted, PUSH HOMME, Taiwanize
入場訊息 /
當晚於紅樓廣場café Dalida前方側們入場
10/28(Sat) 10pm~4:30am
C.U.M. & iMEN present:
-DISCO ‘Club Kid’ Edition
@ Riverside Ximen紅樓河岸留言
2017同志大遊行,C.U.M. Party化身紐約傳奇夜店STUDIO 54
變裝皇后大秀 x 性感猛男 x 魔幻馬戲特技 x 閃亮迪斯可 x 前衛舞曲
穿上最Bling Bling的萬聖派對裝扮,與千人同見證台灣彩虹驕傲時刻
Taiwan PRIDE 2017 is a time for celebration, and the C.U.M crew will be pulling out all the stops for PRIDE! We are excited to announce that the theme for our PRIDE Party is ‘STUDIO 54’- DISCO Edition.
C.U.M. Party with us & experience the legendary club vibes STUDIO 54 had to offer. Wear your best ‘Club Kid’ disco outfits and stand a chance to win a fabulous prize! Bring it and make it work!
#makeitwork #dazzleus #TAIWANPRIDE2017 #cumexpressyourselves #CreateUrMmmagic #cumpartytw #studio54realness #discoparty #allgenderexpressions #allinclusive #LGBTQlifestylerevolution
Victor Cheng (台灣同志DJ第一把交椅)
Danny Dee (曼谷白趴首席新銳DJ)
James Aries(正港Disco House王牌)
C.U.M Queens康姆皇后團:
Bouncy Babs
Amily Givenchy
Yolanda Li
Elja Heights
Pole Dancer Artists鋼管高手:
Go Go Boys性感猛男:
Cole, Tim, Axel, Jerry
Admission 入場費:
Pre-Sale Ticke預售票 800NT (with 2 drinks)
At-door Ticket現場票 1000NT (with 2 drinks)
On-Line Ticket線上預售票(9/1開賣):請上https://cumparty.kktix.cc/events/cumstudio54
完成線上購票程序後您將會收到一封有QR CODE的郵件,現場憑QR CODE即可兌換入場券入場。本售票系統KKTIX支援付款方式有信用卡、ATM、Paypal(可支援銀聯卡)
實體店面預售票銷售點(9/9開賣):Café Dalida ,西門紅樓二樓PUSH HOMME, Taiwanize西門新宿概念店
HAPPY HOUR is from 10pm-12am: BUY 1 & GET 1 FREE (high balls & bottled beers only) 晚間十點至十二點調酒啤酒買一送一
THE BEST LGBTQ PRIDE AFTER- PARTY for ALL gender expressions 男女等價
iMen愛男人購物網,Addicted, Café Dalida
Venue地點:Riverside Ximen河岸留言西門紅樓展演館
台北市西寧南路177號(當晚於紅樓廣場café Dalida前方側們入場)
No.177, Xining S. Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei
Facebook: www.facebook.com/c.u.m.partytw
Instagram: Cum Party
Twitter: Cum Party
Email: c.u.m.partytw@gmail.com